human wigs RSS

How to care the synthetic wigs

Synthetic wigs are made from synthetic fibers, but have also included a mixture of synthetic fibers and animal hair. Today most synthetic wigs are composed solely of fibers, with the advantages over the real hair option since they cost less.

5 easy ways to give your natural hair some TLC while wearing extensions!

As simple as it seems, a lot of us ignore or pretend to forget the warning signals our tresses give us when we try new products or styles. At the beginning of my senior year of college, I dyed my hair. By the end of the semester, I barely had any hair left in the front section of my head. 

How to Repair Your Lace Wig

Turn Your lace wig inside out, place on a manikin head.
Take a small needle and some nylon thread to repair the tare. If you've lost a lot of netting you will have to make a patch to fill in the area.

What is a lace front wig? 

A lace front wig is similar to a full lace wig, except it doesn’t have the same versatility of the full lace wig.  The lace front wig has a sheer lace in the front of the unit that are typically cut off just before the wig is installed.

Five Things Not To Do On Your Human Hair Closures

You should be wiped with a special non-oily hair care solution and then slowly and carefully comb;

HAIR REVIEW | European Body Wave | Cexxy Hair

Hey, y’all! What’s up? I’m here to do another virgin hair review for European Body Wave from Cexxy website. I’m really excited to do because I really love this virgin hair and I’m so excited to share with you guys, so stay tuned and thanks for reading this article.

CEXXY Flawless Peruvian virgin hair Straight Daily Hairstyle Review

This is a virgin hair for you from Cexxy hair. I’m feeling this hair. I really rarely put on a straight unit and I’m very excited about this. But when I put this on and I’ll tilt it to the side a little bit and let it sit. 

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